This tool is used for UDP performance testing mostly for Video or IPTV kind of traffic for wireless AP
How Zap Works from Ruckus website:
Zap works by sending controlled bursts of packets and measuring both packet loss and inter-arrival times. The primary results reported are number of packets lost, total packets
received and detailed throughput statistics. Because Zap provides a measure of both throughput and consistency over time and distance, it has particular importance to streaming
video, voice and other latency-sensitive applications. Conversely, knowing only average throughput levels will not help predict the performance of a wireless network.
By measuring the maximum throughput of batches of packets, Zap is able to determine the minimum throughput that can be expected at a given percentile. For example, if Zap reports
the 99.5 percentile to be 50Mbps, that means statistically, throughput is at or greater than 50Mbps 99.5 percent of the time. For video applications, the ability to determine
throughput within the 99.5 percentile gives IT managers and network designers the assurance of the maximum throughput that a given IP wireless network can deliver reliably to
ensure picture-perfect viewing.
Steps to install and use this tool in Fedora or Linux PC
Internet is connected to this machine.
1) Download and install SVN client on PC
#yum install svn
2) once installed run below command
#svn checkout zaptool
3) Change directory
#cd zaptool
4) Install the tool
# make
# make install
5) you will need gcc compiler to make the files if not installed in machine
#yum install gcc
run step 4
6) After step 4 the tool is installed in the pc , repeat the same on another linux PC for back to back tests
7) Connect both the PC, back to back and run below commands
PC1 ( (
PC1#zapd &
PC2#zapd &
PC2#zap -s154.1.1.1 -d154.1.1.2 -X30
8) You should be seeing some results on PC2 after running above commands. Success-> try with your wireless devices
which is to be tested. Error-> go to step 9
9) If you get error -> could not Rx or similar try below commands on both PC, it will disable firewall.
PC1#service iptables stop
PC1#echo 0 > /selinux/enforce
PC2#service iptables stop
PC2#echo 0 > /selinux/enforce
10) Repeat step 7, should work fine.
Results : The result can be interpreted as below (taken from ZAP QSG)
Example zap output: 408=rx 0=dr 0=oo 0=rp 20=rx in 57.6ms 4.1mbps 4.3|10.2 3.7 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1
The details on all the fields are:
src src address
dst dst address
rx cumulative received packets
dr dropped packets
oo out of order packets
rp retried packets
rx in received packets in this batch (sample)
b_time batch (sample) time
b_thrput batch thruput (for given batch or sample)
avg cumulative aggregate thruput
0% max thruput observed (peak thruput)
50% median thruput
90% thruput at 90 percentile (i.e. thruput was better than this 90% of the time)
95% thruput at 95 percentile
99% thruput at 99 percentile
99.9% thruput at 99.9 percentile
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