Monday, 29 February 2016

Convert SNMP MIBs into Excel Spreadsheets for analysis -MIB Parser tool


Parses multiple mibs into a single spreadsheet for analysis of mib variables and traps. Intended to be complimentary to Netcool/micromuse so one can analyze traps before creating rules.


In this we wanted to add allowed value range of MIB variables also.

One of my colleague has added this functionality, with her permission , sharing with all. As i think it can be useful for others as well.

Its raw script and is not properly formatted , but does the task properly. If someone wants to inform the original creator/user and can ask him/her to add it in original version will be great.

"The satisfaction of making out the best with whatever is handed to you by GOD, is much more valuable then anything else."

Keep Trying, Keep Improving!