The IETF's official products are documents, published free of charge as RFCs. "RFC" stands for Request for Comments, and this name (used since 1969, before the IETF existed) expresses something important: the Internet is a constantly changing technical system, and any document that we write today may need to be updated tomorrow.
One way to look at the IETF is as the group of people who work together to improve the technology of the Internet on a daily basis. As well as producing RFCs, the IETF is a forum where network operators, hardware and software implementers, and researchers talk to each other to ensure that future protocols, standards and products will be even better. This is not the only technical forum for the Internet, of course. But it is the forum where the basic technical standards for Internet protocols are set and maintained.
The IETF does not standardize transmission hardware (we leave that to organizations like the IEEE and the ITU) and does not standardize specialized application layer protocols. For example, we leave HTML and XML standards to the World-Wide Web Consortium. But the IETF does standardize all the protocol layers in between, from IP itself up to general applications like email and HTTP.
List of RFC created by IETF:
ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
The ITU comprises three sectors, each managing a different aspect of the matters handled by the Union, as well as ITU Telecom. The sectors were created during the restructuring of ITU at its 1992 Plenipotentiary Conference. Radiocommunication (ITU-R) managing the international radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbit resources is at the heart of the work of the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R).
Standardization (ITU-T)
Standardization was the original purpose of ITU when it was founded. This sector remains responsible global telecommunications standards, except for radio.Prior to 1992 it was known as the International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee or CCITT (from its French name "Comité consultatif international téléphonique et télégraphique").
Development (ITU-D)
Established to help spread equitable, sustainable and affordable access to information and communication technologies (ICT).
ITU Telecom organizes major events for the world's ICT community.
Search List of ITU-T standards:
IEEE's Constitution defines the purposes of the organization as "scientific and educational, directed toward the advancement of the theory and practice of Electrical, Electronics, Communications and Computer Engineering, as well as Computer Science, the allied branches of engineering and the related arts and sciences."
In pursuing these goals, the IEEE serves as a major publisher of scientific journals and organizer of conferences, workshops, and symposia (many of which have associated published proceedings).
It is also a leading standards development organization for the development of industrial standards (having developed over 900 active industry technical standards) in a broad range of disciplines, including electric power and energy, biomedical technology and healthcare, information technology, information assurance, telecommunications, consumer electronics, transportation, aerospace, and nanotechnology.
IEEE develops and participates in educational activities such as accreditation of electrical engineering programs in institutes of higher learning.
All 802 standard are IEEE stadard and you can download it free through IEEE get program:
The Federal Communications Commission regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable in all 50 states,the District of Columbia and U.S. territories.
The FCC's rules and regulations are in Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), which are published and maintained by the Government Printing Office. Title 47 Rules & Regulations are also available on the web in a searchable format. Part 15 of it defines rules and regulation for "RADIO FREQUENCY DEVICES". It covers regulations related to frequency, BW, max power of the intentional radiator, Max EIRP and type of devices (indoor and outdoor).
Rules and regulation can be found at:
Wi-fi Alliance :
Wi-Fi Alliance Mission:
Provide a highly-effective collaboration forum
Grow the Wi-Fi industry
Lead industry growth with new technology specifications and programs
Support industry-agreed standards
Deliver great product connectivity through testing and certification
About Wi-Fi Alliance®
Wi-Fi Alliance is a global non-profit industry association – our members are the worldwide network of companies that brings you Wi-Fi®. The members of our collaboration forum come from across the Wi-Fi ecosystem and share a vision of seamless connectivity. Since 2000, the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ seal of approval designates products with proven interoperability, industry-standard security
protections, and the latest technology. Wi-Fi Alliance has certified more than 18,000 products, delivering the best user experience and encouraging the expanded use of Wi-Fi products and services in new and established markets. Today, billions of Wi-Fi products carry a significant portion of the world’s data traffic in an ever-expanding variety of applications.
List of wifi certified products:
Reference: Respective official sites
The IETF's official products are documents, published free of charge as RFCs. "RFC" stands for Request for Comments, and this name (used since 1969, before the IETF existed) expresses something important: the Internet is a constantly changing technical system, and any document that we write today may need to be updated tomorrow.
One way to look at the IETF is as the group of people who work together to improve the technology of the Internet on a daily basis. As well as producing RFCs, the IETF is a forum where network operators, hardware and software implementers, and researchers talk to each other to ensure that future protocols, standards and products will be even better. This is not the only technical forum for the Internet, of course. But it is the forum where the basic technical standards for Internet protocols are set and maintained.
The IETF does not standardize transmission hardware (we leave that to organizations like the IEEE and the ITU) and does not standardize specialized application layer protocols. For example, we leave HTML and XML standards to the World-Wide Web Consortium. But the IETF does standardize all the protocol layers in between, from IP itself up to general applications like email and HTTP.
List of RFC created by IETF:
ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
The ITU comprises three sectors, each managing a different aspect of the matters handled by the Union, as well as ITU Telecom. The sectors were created during the restructuring of ITU at its 1992 Plenipotentiary Conference. Radiocommunication (ITU-R) managing the international radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbit resources is at the heart of the work of the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R).
Standardization (ITU-T)
Standardization was the original purpose of ITU when it was founded. This sector remains responsible global telecommunications standards, except for radio.Prior to 1992 it was known as the International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee or CCITT (from its French name "Comité consultatif international téléphonique et télégraphique").
Development (ITU-D)
Established to help spread equitable, sustainable and affordable access to information and communication technologies (ICT).
ITU Telecom organizes major events for the world's ICT community.
Search List of ITU-T standards:
IEEE's Constitution defines the purposes of the organization as "scientific and educational, directed toward the advancement of the theory and practice of Electrical, Electronics, Communications and Computer Engineering, as well as Computer Science, the allied branches of engineering and the related arts and sciences."
In pursuing these goals, the IEEE serves as a major publisher of scientific journals and organizer of conferences, workshops, and symposia (many of which have associated published proceedings).
It is also a leading standards development organization for the development of industrial standards (having developed over 900 active industry technical standards) in a broad range of disciplines, including electric power and energy, biomedical technology and healthcare, information technology, information assurance, telecommunications, consumer electronics, transportation, aerospace, and nanotechnology.
IEEE develops and participates in educational activities such as accreditation of electrical engineering programs in institutes of higher learning.
All 802 standard are IEEE stadard and you can download it free through IEEE get program:
The Federal Communications Commission regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable in all 50 states,the District of Columbia and U.S. territories.
The FCC's rules and regulations are in Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), which are published and maintained by the Government Printing Office. Title 47 Rules & Regulations are also available on the web in a searchable format. Part 15 of it defines rules and regulation for "RADIO FREQUENCY DEVICES". It covers regulations related to frequency, BW, max power of the intentional radiator, Max EIRP and type of devices (indoor and outdoor).
Rules and regulation can be found at:
Wi-fi Alliance :
Wi-Fi Alliance Mission:
Provide a highly-effective collaboration forum
Grow the Wi-Fi industry
Lead industry growth with new technology specifications and programs
Support industry-agreed standards
Deliver great product connectivity through testing and certification
About Wi-Fi Alliance®
Wi-Fi Alliance is a global non-profit industry association – our members are the worldwide network of companies that brings you Wi-Fi®. The members of our collaboration forum come from across the Wi-Fi ecosystem and share a vision of seamless connectivity. Since 2000, the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ seal of approval designates products with proven interoperability, industry-standard security
protections, and the latest technology. Wi-Fi Alliance has certified more than 18,000 products, delivering the best user experience and encouraging the expanded use of Wi-Fi products and services in new and established markets. Today, billions of Wi-Fi products carry a significant portion of the world’s data traffic in an ever-expanding variety of applications.
List of wifi certified products:
Reference: Respective official sites