We use IXIA Chariot tool for performance tests. It is a licensed software product from IXIA which supports, different types of tests.
For more information on this you can refer :
Just to explain how it is used , it has one console and other act as endpoints. The traffic runs between the endpoints.
Now the issue ( We have IXIA Chariot console version 4.3)
1) Lets say console is installed in Windows XP PC, and we are remotely login in this using Microsofts "remote desktop" , in windows
Start-> Run ->mstsc -> it will open one window -> Give the IP address of the PC to connect to and login to the PC.
2) Now run the chariot remotely-> it will run fine.
3) Minimise the remote window -> open again -> No trace of Chariot console ??? ( it will get closed :-( )
4) Again start the tests
5) Terminate the remote session and go to that PC and login locally to check results.
6) No results -> issue -> the moment , the remote desktop session is closed the chariot console stopped.
Reason -> Unknown
Is it a bug in Chariot ? Well, not sure, how it behaves in newer version. If you have ,do some analysis and let me know...
My analysis
Ran Wireshark and did following tests :
1) Local PC ran Chariot and stopped using its right hand corner "x" button
2) Local PC ran Chariot , stopped chariot.exe process using taskmanager
3) Remotely ran Chariot and closed the session
Well, the Wireshark capture for point 2 and 3 are almost same. So this implies that when we are closing the remote session, the chariot process is also getting killed.
What you can do
If you are in IXIA QA team, raise a bug. If you have Chariot, test the same thing and let me know your observation.
Keep breaking, Keep Learning !!!!