Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Server installation in Fedora core 16 for IPv6

As i have mentioned in my earlier posts, i need to enable all servers for ipv4 and ipv6.

The first step is to install all servers in my Fedora core 16 machine.

1) Install wireshak

      yum install wireshark
      yum install wireshark-gnome

2) Install TFTP server

      yum install tftp-server

3) Install telnet server

      yum install telnet-server

4) Install ftp server

       yum install vsftpd

5) Update ftp client ( the native ftp client in FC16 does not support IPv6) so need to install another client

       As of now lftp seems fine, but commands are little difficult, need to work on this

         yum install lftp

6)  Install Http Server

        yum install httpd

7) Install dhcp Server

       yum install dhcp-common
       yum -y install dhcp

8) Install Syslog Server

         yum install syslog

9) Install NTP Server

         yum install ntp