Friday, 25 May 2012

Why IxChariot allows EndPoints A and Endpoint B to be same?

I am using IxChariot for my testing and what i see is , I can create EndPoint A and EndPoint B with same IP address. So this means that there is no check or validation done when starting the tests.

If i give same IP for both the endpoint and run High Performance Throughput script i get max thorughput as Max 3200 Mbps and average of 2800 Mbps for TCP. the script is run for 5 min. If i run with TCP, Thorughput script i get average thorughput as 2373 Mbps.

Anyway , the main question is why there is no validation for IP addressess whther EPA is same as EPB ? As it doesnt make sense when you run the tests between same Endpoints.

Is it a bug ? You decide ?