Monday, 9 April 2012

How to share a common Excel file and update at the same time?

We use Excel sheet a lot and the problem we faced is everybody updating the sheet at the same time. The cells defined are different though.

Generally we will ask the other person to close it so that i can update my commets. I found that it has one feature which allows multiple user to update the sheet at the same time.

Go to Tools-> Share Workbook , select "Allow changes by more than one user at the same time."

Using this all users can update the sheet at the same time. The cells should be different. If same cell is modified by two persons, the last person will get notification and he/she can see what is entered by other person and act accordingly.

This saved our time :-) .

I think Excel has many good features but we dont use them as we dont know them.

Keep learning, Keep sharing.