Monday 10 December 2012

How to enable DHCPv6 route option in ISC-DHCP server

As per information given in link

I tried to enable route prefix option in ISC-DHCP server , the configuration of server is :

vim /etc/dhcp/dhcpv6.conf

## NEXT_HOP option with RTPREFIX option included
option code 242 = { ip6-address, unsigNed integer 16,un
signed integer 16, unsigned integer 32, unsigned integer 8, unsigned integer 8,
ip6-address };
#   # This statement configures actual values to be sent
#   # RTPREFIX option code = 243, RTPREFIX length = 22
#   # lifetime = 9000 seconds
#   # route 2001:db8:2::/64
#   # metric 1
  option 2001:db8:270::100:100 243 64 9000 0 1 ::;


the configuration of dhcp client :

vim /etc/dhcp/dhcpv6.conf


script "/sbin/dhclient-script";

option code 242 = { ip6-address,unsigned integer 16, uns
igned integer 16,unsigned integer 32,unsigned integer 8, unsigned integer 8, ip6
-address };

# RTPREFIX option

interface "eth1" {


I can see the prefix 242 in DHCP packets.